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Psychoneuroimmunology by Ader
Testo di ampio respiro PNEI, curato da LA Wisneski e L Anderson.
Psychoneuroimmunology by Schedlowski and Tewes
Psychoneuroimmunology by Goodkin and Visser
Psychoneuroendocrinology by Wolkowitz and Rothschild
Psychoneuroendocrinology by Czerbska
Psychoneuroimmunology: hypothesis and current research, by Sperner-Unterweger, Fleischhacker, Kaschka.
Psychoneuroimmunology: a behavioral approach. By Singh, Shyam and Singh.
Fundamentals of Psychoneuroimmunology by Song and Leonard
Stress Science: Neuroendocrinology by Fink
Study guide to Psychosomatic Medicine by Bourgeois, Hales and Shahrokh
Human Psychoneuroimmunology by Kavita Vedhara and Michael Irwin
The link between Religion and Health - Psychoneuroimmunology and the Faith Factor by HG Koenig and HJ Cohen
Mind-Body Medicine by Alan Watkins
The Handbook of Stress Science by R.J. Contrada and A. Baum
Stress Management by W. Linden
Handbook of Neuroendocrinology, First Ed, 2012, by Fink G., Pfaff D., Levine J.
Nuova edizione del classico curato da HG Koenig.
Seconda edizione del testo curato da JH Daruna.
Recente testo curato da SC Segerstrom.
The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Psychoneuroimmunology, curato da AW Kusnecov e H Anisman.
Testo base curato da J.E. Blalock, pioniere della PNEI.
Autore R.C. Gaillard, forte impostazione sperimentale.
Sistema immunitario e tessuto nervoso: dalla fisiologia alla patologia.
Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications di Stephen M. Stahl, 2013
The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychopharmacology a cura di Alan F. Schatzberg, Charles B. Nemeroff